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Annual Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 12 at 10 a.m.


All children--toddlers through fifth grade--are invited to participate. Children will hunt for eggs according to age groups. The community is welcome. Bring your family and friends! The Easter bunny will be available for photos. We will meet in the sanctuary before the hunt. In case of rain, the hunt will be held inside the church. Come join the fun!

Palm Sunday and Easter Cantata, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.


Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, as we remember Jesus' journey to the cross and the hope of His resurrection.  Join us for services as we celebrate with "Worthy Is the Lamb", a compelling musical story of God's plan to deliver all people from the clutches of sin and death. Given in Memory of Jerry Lewis by Jane Lewis and family. 




Maundy Thursday Service, 7:00 p.m.


On Maundy Thursday, we reflect on the night in which Jesus shares the Last Supper with His disciples. It is a night where Jesus demonstrates what it means to serve one another in love and in that loving spirit, optional foot washing will be a part of this service. Join us for this time of worship and reflection as Holy Week continues. Please note, there is no nursery during this service.

Good Friday Walk of the Cross 


This event begins at St. Jude Catholic Church at 10 a.m. then processes to UMCNL, Maplewood Cemetery and Trinity Lutheran Church.  In case of rain, the entire event will be held at St. Jude.


Good Friday Service, 7:00 p.m.


On Good Friday, we pause to remember the amazing love and sacrifice of Christ on the cross. This worship service allows us the time to reflect, seek forgiveness and express our deep gratitude to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Please note, there is no nursery during this service.​

Easter Sunday Service, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.


He is risen... He is risen indeed! Easter Sunday at United Methodist Church of New Lenox is a special celebration!  Additionally, we will be receiving new members to our church on this glorious day! Join us as we celebrate resurrection!


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